Overcoming Victim Mindset Episode 6

Jul 28, 2023

So excited by the topics that we have planned for April. This month’s theme is: Exploring Why We Feel Bad!
Feeling bad does not feel good. It makes me laugh just to write this, but it is such an important statement when you reflect on the fact that we are here on this human journey to enjoy life. Atleast, this is one of the Mattain-Speak concepts: the human journey is to feel the beauty, pleasure and joy in life.
So why do we not feel good in life? There are so many reasons, but mostly when we align ourselves with the external world rather than our internal self. When how we feel is directly correlated to what is going on outside of ourselves. This is what I refer to as ‘victim’ stories. I feel a certain way because of X, Y, or Z. Where X may be an event, Y a person, and Z anything else. Regardless of why, I have given my control to something other than myself. Today's podcast explores this topic of victimhood in depth. Watch now: Overcoming Victimhood.
We will talk about Depression: Understanding Depression released last week.  Next week we will talk about Letting Go of Trauma, and the following week, Honor your Grief. All my podcasts can be found on my YouTube channel,  Google, Spotify or my website

It’s a heavy series, but regardless of the topic – the approach is to empower by providing understanding and compassion to the human journey! Mattain Flagship Course: Attain the Life you Desire  is a wonderful resource to set the foundation for all the concepts we explore. If you haven’t yet – start it now!
So excited to explore with you! If there is a specific topic you’d like me to explore – please let me know! The journey is definitely more fun when we engage together.
My Love, Always

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Overcoming Victim Mindset Episode 6

Jul 28, 2023

Understanding Depression Episode 5

Jul 27, 2023