Introducting MattainU! Join me!
Dec 01, 2022
Hello Hello Hello!
This is Manal! And I am so so so excited for the debut of Mattain U. What does U stand for? University! Universe! You! For those of you who know me, and those of you who just stumbled upon me, this has been a journey!
I have learned so much about YOU on this journey! I have learned that we all just want to be … [happy, joyful, free, secure, capable, safe, aligned, accepting, appreciative, at peace… plug in your word here]. I’ve learned not to assume the word; we all may use different words, but it doesn’t matter. We all want to get to our TRUTH!
What stands in the way of this truth? Our normal human conditioning! Some of us call it life, our experiences, or our parents... Some call it trauma. Anger. Sadness. Gaslighting. Loneliness. Hard. Struggle. Suffering. We all have our unique experiences. And that’s OKAY! Not okay, amazing! This is what humanning is all about!
Are you ready to
Mattain/məˈteɪn/ : To Attain Your Authentic Life. To Attain the Life that You Desire!
And we will do it together in fun and play! An amazing community of like-minded people ready to just enjoy life by looking inward and releasing the natural conditioning that has kept us from the truth. The Truth of our unconditional worthiness, freedom, and love. And we will learn to LOVE this conditioning (I know, I know, on our own time 😉)
Join MattainU to inspire your growth and alignment toward your authentic expression of self! I will be sending regular communication. I will just share what is on my mind. I will direct you to new expressions of Mattain: meditations, inspirations, talks, and events. I will share upcoming events. I will share stories from the community of others like you (or maybe you!) who are having life moments that will be inspiring to us all. And I will invite you to participate. I only get better through your participation, feedback, and engagement. So get ready to play!
So excited we have intersected on this journey! Let’s Go!
My Love, Always
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